Akademisyenler > Özkan ÖZDEN > Proje Detayı
SIRT3 is a Mitochondrial Tumor Suppressor in ER PR Positive Mammary TumorsTürü National Institute of Health NIH U S A
Proje Ekibi
Prof. Dr. Özkan ÖZDEN Prof. Dr. Özkan ÖZDEN
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Projedeki Rolü: Araştırmacı
Proje Türü Diğer Uluslararası Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
Proje No -
Proje Konusu A fundamental observation in oncology is that the rate of malignancies increases significantly as a function of age suggesting a potential mechanistic link between the cellular process governing longevity and the development of cancers In this regard the genes that play a critical role in longevity or aging have recently been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and C elegans and the human homologs of these genes are referred to as the Sirtuin gene family Thus we hypothesized that the sirtuin genes might function as fidelity genes and loss sirtuin function which might occur during aging would create cellular environment permissive for age related illness including carcinogenesis To address this idea we constructed mice four years ago that have the mitochondrial localized SIRT3 protein genetically deleted Thus we hypothesize that agents thought to prevent the cellular effects of aging and the accumulation of intracellular ROS such as CR will be prevent tumors in the SIRT3 knockout mice
Proje Durumu Tamamlandı
Başlangıç Tarihi 01-09-2011
Bitiş Tarihi 01-09-2016
BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
