Assessment of MDA and 8-OHdG expressions in ovine pulmonary adenocarcinomas by immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence methods       
Doç. Dr. Emin KARAKURT
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Enver BEYTUT
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Serpil DAĞ
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hilmi NUHOĞLU
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Arş. Gör. Ayfer YILDIZ UYSAL
Kafkas Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Emre Kurtbaş
This study aimed to reveal the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage in ovine pulmonary adenocarcinomas (OPA) by evaluating malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) expressions by immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence methods. Lung tissue samples were collected from 26 sheep brought to the Pathology Department for routine diagnosis. Lung tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, following routine procedures tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Avidin-Biotin Peroxidase method was used as immunohistochemical staining. Indirect immunofluorescence method was applied to the sections. Tumoral cells showed acinar, papillary or mixed type patterns. Only 2 of 20 cases metastasized to regional lymph nodes. All OPAs were immune positive for Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus Capsid Protein (JSRV CA), MDA and 8-OHdG. The control group was negative for JSRV CA, MDA and 8-OHdG expressions. Malondialdehyde and 8-OHdG immune positive cells were statistically increased in the OPA group compared to the control group. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that higher MDA and 8-OHdG expressions in sheep with OPA suggest that OPA may be closely related to lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage.
Anahtar Kelimeler
DNA damage | jaagsiekte | lipid peroxidation | oxidative stress | sheep
Makale Türü Özgün Makale
Makale Alt Türü SSCI, AHCI, SCI, SCI-Exp dergilerinde yayımlanan tam makale
Dergi Adı Acta Veterinaria Brno
Dergi ISSN 1801-7576
Dergi Tarandığı Indeksler SCI-Expanded
Dergi Grubu Q4
Makale Dili İngilizce
Basım Tarihi 07-2022
Cilt No 91
Sayı 3
Sayfalar 235 / 241
Doi Numarası 10.2754/avb202291030235
Makale Linki