Toplam 27104 kayıt

Güncellenen Ortaöğretim Müzik Dersi Öğretim ProgramınınÖğretmenlerin Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi

YILMAZ, H., OĞUL, R. (2018) "Güncellenen Ortaöğretim Müzik Dersi Öğretim ProgramınınÖğretmenlerin Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi", 6. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi , (pp. 262-270), Kars, Türkiye, (Aralık 2018 YILMAZ, H., OĞUL, R. (2018) "Güncellenen Ortaöğretim Müzik Dersi Öğretim ProgramınınÖğretmenlerin Görüşlerine Göre Değerlendirilmesi", 6. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi , (pp. 262-270), Kars, Türkiye, (Aralık 2018
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
6. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi

Müzik Eğitiminde Ukulele

Zahal, O., Gayretli, Ş., YILMAZ, H. (2019) "Müzik Eğitiminde Ukulele", Uluslararası SANAD Kongresi , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Aralık 2019 Zahal, O., Gayretli, Ş., YILMAZ, H. (2019) "Müzik Eğitiminde Ukulele", Uluslararası SANAD Kongresi , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Aralık 2019
2019 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Uluslararası SANAD Kongresi

Which one is more effective for the treatment of rat sepsis model: thalidomide or etanercept?

DOI     İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., Bardaş, R. (2017) "Which one is more effective for the treatment of rat sepsis model: thalidomide or etanercept?", BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY, 118 (5) pp. 283-287 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11620"> İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., Bardaş, R. (2017) "Which one is more effective for the treatment of rat sepsis model: thalidomide or etanercept?", BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY, 118 (5) pp. 283-287 [SCI Expanded] DOI     İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., Bardaş, R. (2017) "Which one is more effective for the treatment of rat sepsis model: thalidomide or etanercept?", BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY, 118 (5) pp. 283-287 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2017 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Reelin enzyme levels in patients admitted to emergency service due to suicide or self-harm attempt

DOI   Dolanbay, T., Yılmaz, M., Gürger, M., Ateşçelik, M., Göktekin, M.Ç., İlhan, N., GÜL, H.F. (2019) "Reelin enzyme levels in patients admitted to emergency service due to suicide or self-harm attempt", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 44 (3) pp. 127-129 [SCI Expanded] DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11621"> Dolanbay, T., Yılmaz, M., Gürger, M., Ateşçelik, M., Göktekin, M.Ç., İlhan, N., GÜL, H.F. (2019) "Reelin enzyme levels in patients admitted to emergency service due to suicide or self-harm attempt", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 44 (3) pp. 127-129 [SCI Expanded] DOI   Dolanbay, T., Yılmaz, M., Gürger, M., Ateşçelik, M., Göktekin, M.Ç., İlhan, N., GÜL, H.F. (2019) "Reelin enzyme levels in patients admitted to emergency service due to suicide or self-harm attempt", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 44 (3) pp. 127-129 [SCI Expanded] DOI  
2019 Diğer (Teknik, not, yorum, vaka takdimi, editöre mektup, özet, kitap krıtiği, araştırma notu, bilirkişi raporu ve benzeri) SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Turkish Journal of Biochemistry

The combined effect of pomegranate extract and tangeretin on the DMBA-induced breast cancer model

Link DOI     GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N., İlhan, N., Özercan, İ.H., Kuloğlu, T. (2021) "The combined effect of pomegranate extract and tangeretin on the DMBA-induced breast cancer model", JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 89 (2021) pp. 1-13 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11622"> GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N., İlhan, N., Özercan, İ.H., Kuloğlu, T. (2021) "The combined effect of pomegranate extract and tangeretin on the DMBA-induced breast cancer model", JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 89 (2021) pp. 1-13 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N., İlhan, N., Özercan, İ.H., Kuloğlu, T. (2021) "The combined effect of pomegranate extract and tangeretin on the DMBA-induced breast cancer model", JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 89 (2021) pp. 1-13 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Assessment of Blood Inflamatory Parameters in Elderly Patients With Peripheral Vertigo

DOI   Dolanbay, T., ŞAHİN, L., GÜL, H.F., Seydel, G.Ş., Aras, M. (2021) "Assessment of Blood Inflamatory Parameters in Elderly Patients With Peripheral Vertigo", Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 11 (6) pp. 822-826 DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11623"> Dolanbay, T., ŞAHİN, L., GÜL, H.F., Seydel, G.Ş., Aras, M. (2021) "Assessment of Blood Inflamatory Parameters in Elderly Patients With Peripheral Vertigo", Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 11 (6) pp. 822-826 DOI   Dolanbay, T., ŞAHİN, L., GÜL, H.F., Seydel, G.Ş., Aras, M. (2021) "Assessment of Blood Inflamatory Parameters in Elderly Patients With Peripheral Vertigo", Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 11 (6) pp. 822-826 DOI  
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journal of Contemporary Medicine

The evaluation of calcium as a prognostic factor in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrests

ŞAHİN, L., GÜL, H.F., Dolanbay, T., Öterkuş, M. (2020) "The evaluation of calcium as a prognostic factor in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrests", Journal of surgery and medicine, 4 (6) pp. 475-478   ŞAHİN, L., GÜL, H.F., Dolanbay, T., Öterkuş, M. (2020) "The evaluation of calcium as a prognostic factor in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrests", Journal of surgery and medicine, 4 (6) pp. 475-478  
2020 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journal of surgery and medicine

Expression of Endoglin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as Prognostic Markers in Experimental Colorectal Cancer

   İlhan, N., Güngör, H., GÜL, H.F., Eröksüz, H. (2016) "Expression of Endoglin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as Prognostic Markers in Experimental Colorectal Cancer", ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 36 (8) pp. 3953-3959 [SCI Expanded]    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11625"> İlhan, N., Güngör, H., GÜL, H.F., Eröksüz, H. (2016) "Expression of Endoglin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as Prognostic Markers in Experimental Colorectal Cancer", ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 36 (8) pp. 3953-3959 [SCI Expanded]     İlhan, N., Güngör, H., GÜL, H.F., Eröksüz, H. (2016) "Expression of Endoglin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as Prognostic Markers in Experimental Colorectal Cancer", ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 36 (8) pp. 3953-3959 [SCI Expanded]    
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Ozone (03)-oxygen mixture therapy inhibits endometrial implant growth

DOI    Aktun, L.H., Acet, M., Atılgan, R., Karaca, N., Yorgunlar, B., Can, B., Dağlı, A.F., GÜL, H.F., Kumbak, B., İrban, A. (2016) "Ozone (03)-oxygen mixture therapy inhibits endometrial implant growth", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 9 (6) pp. 11590-11597 [SCI Expanded] DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11626"> Aktun, L.H., Acet, M., Atılgan, R., Karaca, N., Yorgunlar, B., Can, B., Dağlı, A.F., GÜL, H.F., Kumbak, B., İrban, A. (2016) "Ozone (03)-oxygen mixture therapy inhibits endometrial implant growth", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 9 (6) pp. 11590-11597 [SCI Expanded] DOI    Aktun, L.H., Acet, M., Atılgan, R., Karaca, N., Yorgunlar, B., Can, B., Dağlı, A.F., GÜL, H.F., Kumbak, B., İrban, A. (2016) "Ozone (03)-oxygen mixture therapy inhibits endometrial implant growth", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 9 (6) pp. 11590-11597 [SCI Expanded] DOI   
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Efficacies of vitamin D and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on experimental endometriosis

Link DOI     Akyol, A., Şimşek, M., İlhan, R., Can, B., Başpınar, M., Akyol, H., GÜL, H.F., Gürsu, M.F., Kavak, S.B., Akın, M.M. (2016) "Efficacies of vitamin D and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on experimental endometriosis", TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 55 (6) pp. 835-839 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11627"> Akyol, A., Şimşek, M., İlhan, R., Can, B., Başpınar, M., Akyol, H., GÜL, H.F., Gürsu, M.F., Kavak, S.B., Akın, M.M. (2016) "Efficacies of vitamin D and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on experimental endometriosis", TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 55 (6) pp. 835-839 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     Akyol, A., Şimşek, M., İlhan, R., Can, B., Başpınar, M., Akyol, H., GÜL, H.F., Gürsu, M.F., Kavak, S.B., Akın, M.M. (2016) "Efficacies of vitamin D and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on experimental endometriosis", TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 55 (6) pp. 835-839 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

The Therapeutic Effects of Thalidomide and Etanercept on Septic Rats Exposed to Lipopolysaccharide

Link DOI      İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N. (2019) "The Therapeutic Effects of Thalidomide and Etanercept on Septic Rats Exposed to Lipopolysaccharide", ULUSAL TRAVMA VE ACIL CERRAHI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & EMERGENCY SURGERY, 25 (2) pp. 99-104 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11628"> İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N. (2019) "The Therapeutic Effects of Thalidomide and Etanercept on Septic Rats Exposed to Lipopolysaccharide", ULUSAL TRAVMA VE ACIL CERRAHI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & EMERGENCY SURGERY, 25 (2) pp. 99-104 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI      İlhan, N., Susam, S., GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N. (2019) "The Therapeutic Effects of Thalidomide and Etanercept on Septic Rats Exposed to Lipopolysaccharide", ULUSAL TRAVMA VE ACIL CERRAHI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & EMERGENCY SURGERY, 25 (2) pp. 99-104 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     
2019 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Ischemic postconditioning reduced myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury: The roles of melatonin and uncoupling protein 3

DOI      Aslan, G., GÜL, H.F., Tektemur, A., Şahna, E. (2020) "Ischemic postconditioning reduced myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury: The roles of melatonin and uncoupling protein 3", ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 23 (1) pp. 19-27 [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11629"> Aslan, G., GÜL, H.F., Tektemur, A., Şahna, E. (2020) "Ischemic postconditioning reduced myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury: The roles of melatonin and uncoupling protein 3", ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 23 (1) pp. 19-27 [SCI Expanded] DOI      Aslan, G., GÜL, H.F., Tektemur, A., Şahna, E. (2020) "Ischemic postconditioning reduced myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury: The roles of melatonin and uncoupling protein 3", ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 23 (1) pp. 19-27 [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2020 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

The protective effect of chrysin against carbon tetrachloride-induced kidney and liver tissue damage in rats

DOI     Baykalır, B.G., Aslıhan, S.A., Mutlu, S.İ., Seven, P.T., Yaman, M., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "The protective effect of chrysin against carbon tetrachloride-induced kidney and liver tissue damage in rats", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, 91 (5) pp. 427-438 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11630"> Baykalır, B.G., Aslıhan, S.A., Mutlu, S.İ., Seven, P.T., Yaman, M., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "The protective effect of chrysin against carbon tetrachloride-induced kidney and liver tissue damage in rats", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, 91 (5) pp. 427-438 [SCI Expanded] DOI     Baykalır, B.G., Aslıhan, S.A., Mutlu, S.İ., Seven, P.T., Yaman, M., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "The protective effect of chrysin against carbon tetrachloride-induced kidney and liver tissue damage in rats", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, 91 (5) pp. 427-438 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Effect of apelin hormone on renal ischemia reperfusion induced oxidative damage in rats

Link DOI     Bircan, B., Çakır, M., Kırbağ, S., GÜL, H.F. (2016) "Effect of apelin hormone on renal ischemia reperfusion induced oxidative damage in rats", RENAL FAILURE, 38 (7) pp. 1122-1128 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11631"> Bircan, B., Çakır, M., Kırbağ, S., GÜL, H.F. (2016) "Effect of apelin hormone on renal ischemia reperfusion induced oxidative damage in rats", RENAL FAILURE, 38 (7) pp. 1122-1128 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     Bircan, B., Çakır, M., Kırbağ, S., GÜL, H.F. (2016) "Effect of apelin hormone on renal ischemia reperfusion induced oxidative damage in rats", RENAL FAILURE, 38 (7) pp. 1122-1128 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus


GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N., İlhan, N. (2018) "PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF NUTRACEUTICALS ON OXIDANTANTIOXIDANT LEVELS IN THE RAT BREAST CANCER", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 43 (5) [SCI Expanded]   GÜL, H.F., İlhan, N., İlhan, N. (2018) "PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF NUTRACEUTICALS ON OXIDANTANTIOXIDANT LEVELS IN THE RAT BREAST CANCER", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 43 (5) [SCI Expanded]  
2018 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi

Evaluation of paediatric blunt abdomen trauma patients presenting to the emergency room

DOI   Dolanbay, T., Aksoy, N., GÜL, H.F., Aras, M. (2020) "Evaluation of paediatric blunt abdomen trauma patients presenting to the emergency room", Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, 5 (1) pp. 19-23 DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11633"> Dolanbay, T., Aksoy, N., GÜL, H.F., Aras, M. (2020) "Evaluation of paediatric blunt abdomen trauma patients presenting to the emergency room", Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, 5 (1) pp. 19-23 DOI   Dolanbay, T., Aksoy, N., GÜL, H.F., Aras, M. (2020) "Evaluation of paediatric blunt abdomen trauma patients presenting to the emergency room", Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, 5 (1) pp. 19-23 DOI  
2020 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal

A case of COVID-19 from Turkey with unusual lip rash

DOI   Dolanbay, T., Balyen, L.S.D., Ural, Z.K., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "A case of COVID-19 from Turkey with unusual lip rash", Trauma and Emergency Care, 6 (1) pp. 1-2 DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11634"> Dolanbay, T., Balyen, L.S.D., Ural, Z.K., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "A case of COVID-19 from Turkey with unusual lip rash", Trauma and Emergency Care, 6 (1) pp. 1-2 DOI   Dolanbay, T., Balyen, L.S.D., Ural, Z.K., GÜL, H.F. (2021) "A case of COVID-19 from Turkey with unusual lip rash", Trauma and Emergency Care, 6 (1) pp. 1-2 DOI  
2021 Diğer (Teknik, not, yorum, vaka takdimi, editöre mektup, özet, kitap krıtiği, araştırma notu, bilirkişi raporu ve benzeri) SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Trauma and Emergency Care

The effect of diclofenac sodium intoxication on the cardiovascular system in rats

DOI     Dolanbay, T., MAKAV, M., GÜL, H.F., KARAKURT, E. (2021) "The effect of diclofenac sodium intoxication on the cardiovascular system in rats", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 46 (0) pp. 560-566 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11635"> Dolanbay, T., MAKAV, M., GÜL, H.F., KARAKURT, E. (2021) "The effect of diclofenac sodium intoxication on the cardiovascular system in rats", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 46 (0) pp. 560-566 [SCI Expanded] DOI     Dolanbay, T., MAKAV, M., GÜL, H.F., KARAKURT, E. (2021) "The effect of diclofenac sodium intoxication on the cardiovascular system in rats", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 46 (0) pp. 560-566 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Protective Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract in Contrast Agent Induced Renal Toxicity

DOI    TOKTAY, E., HARMANKAYA, A., GÜL, H.F., Taştan, T.B., ŞAHİN, L., YAYLA, M. (2022) "Protective Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract in Contrast Agent Induced Renal Toxicity", Archives of Basic and Clinical Research, 4 (2) pp. 74-80 [TR Dizin] DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11636"> TOKTAY, E., HARMANKAYA, A., GÜL, H.F., Taştan, T.B., ŞAHİN, L., YAYLA, M. (2022) "Protective Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract in Contrast Agent Induced Renal Toxicity", Archives of Basic and Clinical Research, 4 (2) pp. 74-80 [TR Dizin] DOI    TOKTAY, E., HARMANKAYA, A., GÜL, H.F., Taştan, T.B., ŞAHİN, L., YAYLA, M. (2022) "Protective Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract in Contrast Agent Induced Renal Toxicity", Archives of Basic and Clinical Research, 4 (2) pp. 74-80 [TR Dizin] DOI   
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Archives of Basic and Clinical Research

Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy

DOI     ÇANTAY, H., BİNNETOĞLU, K., GÜL, H.F., BİNGÖL, S.A. (2022) "Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy", OBESITY, 30 (8) pp. 1639-1646 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-11637"> ÇANTAY, H., BİNNETOĞLU, K., GÜL, H.F., BİNGÖL, S.A. (2022) "Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy", OBESITY, 30 (8) pp. 1639-1646 [SCI Expanded] DOI     ÇANTAY, H., BİNNETOĞLU, K., GÜL, H.F., BİNGÖL, S.A. (2022) "Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy", OBESITY, 30 (8) pp. 1639-1646 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus