Toplam 27790 kayıt

The solution with difference methodof an optimal control problem for nonstationary quasioptics equation

G., Y., N.S., I., N., Y.A., O., D. (2013) "The solution with difference methodof an optimal control problem for nonstationary quasioptics equation", // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013) , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2013 G., Y., N.S., I., N., Y.A., O., D. (2013) "The solution with difference methodof an optimal control problem for nonstationary quasioptics equation", // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013) , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2013
2013 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
// Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013)

An identification problem observed overall region for linear nonstationary quasioptics equation

A.D., I., G., Y., N.S., I., N, Y.A. (2013) "An identification problem observed overall region for linear nonstationary quasioptics equation", // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013), , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2013 A.D., I., G., Y., N.S., I., N, Y.A. (2013) "An identification problem observed overall region for linear nonstationary quasioptics equation", // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013), , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2013
2013 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
// Abstracts of the XXI International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2013),

Identification problem for the Schrodinger equation

A.D., I., G.Y., Y., M.A., M. (2012) "Identification problem for the Schrodinger equation", Abstracts of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 2012 A.D., I., G.Y., Y., M.A., M. (2012) "Identification problem for the Schrodinger equation", Abstracts of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 2012
2012 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev

Inverse problems for Schrodinger equation

A.D., I., G.Y., Y. (2012) "Inverse problems for Schrodinger equation", Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 2012 A.D., I., G.Y., Y. (2012) "Inverse problems for Schrodinger equation", Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 2012
2012 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics’ dedıcated to the 80 th annıversary of the bırthday of Akademıcıan M.M. Lavrentev

About an estimate of the convergence of difference approximations by the functional in the identification problem for the non stationary equation of quasi optics

A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2012) "About an estimate of the convergence of difference approximations by the functional in the identification problem for the non stationary equation of quasi optics", Abstracts of the XIX International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2012) , (Nisan 2012 A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2012) "About an estimate of the convergence of difference approximations by the functional in the identification problem for the non stationary equation of quasi optics", Abstracts of the XIX International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2012) , (Nisan 2012
2012 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of the XIX International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2012)

The identification problem for the linear stationary quasioptic equation with the weak generalized solution

A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2011) "The identification problem for the linear stationary quasioptic equation with the weak generalized solution", Abstracts of the XVII International Conference Problems of Decision Makin under Uncertainties (PDMU-2011) , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2011 A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2011) "The identification problem for the linear stationary quasioptic equation with the weak generalized solution", Abstracts of the XVII International Conference Problems of Decision Makin under Uncertainties (PDMU-2011) , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2011
2011 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of the XVII International Conference Problems of Decision Makin under Uncertainties (PDMU-2011)

On about a problem of identification for the stationary nonlinear equation of quasi optics

A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2010) "On about a problem of identification for the stationary nonlinear equation of quasi optics", Abstracts of the XV International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2010), , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2010 A.D., I., G.Y., Y., N.S., I. (2010) "On about a problem of identification for the stationary nonlinear equation of quasi optics", Abstracts of the XV International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2010), , Ukrayna, (Mayıs 2010
2010 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of the XV International Conference Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2010),

Varıational method of modeling and optimal control for the Schrodinger equation

A.D., I., G.Ya., Y. (2009) "Varıational method of modeling and optimal control for the Schrodinger equation", Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 90 th Anniversary of the Baku State University , Azerbaycan, (Haziran 2009 A.D., I., G.Ya., Y. (2009) "Varıational method of modeling and optimal control for the Schrodinger equation", Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 90 th Anniversary of the Baku State University , Azerbaycan, (Haziran 2009
2009 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 90 th Anniversary of the Baku State University

Inverse problem of determining the quantum potential in the nonstationary Schrodinger equation with the complex coefficient in the nonlinear parts its equation

A.D., I., G.Ya., Y. (2008) "Inverse problem of determining the quantum potential in the nonstationary Schrodinger equation with the complex coefficient in the nonlinear parts its equation", Abstracts of the International Conference Inverse Problems : Modeling and Simulation , Türkiye, (Mayıs 2008 A.D., I., G.Ya., Y. (2008) "Inverse problem of determining the quantum potential in the nonstationary Schrodinger equation with the complex coefficient in the nonlinear parts its equation", Abstracts of the International Conference Inverse Problems : Modeling and Simulation , Türkiye, (Mayıs 2008
2008 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of the International Conference Inverse Problems : Modeling and Simulation

The finite differences approximations of identification problem for the equation of quasi optics

, Türkiye, (Haziran 2004 G.Ya, Y., K, Y. (2004) "The finite differences approximations of identification problem for the equation of quasi optics", Abstact of the International Conference Inverse Problems: "Modelling and Similuations" , Türkiye, (Haziran 2004" data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8294"> G.Ya, Y., K, Y. (2004) "The finite differences approximations of identification problem for the equation of quasi optics", Abstact of the International Conference Inverse Problems: "Modelling and Similuations" , Türkiye, (Haziran 2004 G.Ya, Y., K, Y. (2004) "The finite differences approximations of identification problem for the equation of quasi optics", Abstact of the International Conference Inverse Problems: "Modelling and Similuations" , Türkiye, (Haziran 2004
2004 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstact of the International Conference Inverse Problems: "Modelling and Similuations"

The identification problem for the nonlinear nonstetionary quasioptic equation

G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. () "The identification problem for the nonlinear nonstetionary quasioptic equation", Absract of in Iinternational conferanse Inverse problem of teoretical and mathematical physic , (pp. 41-42), Azerbaycan  G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. () "The identification problem for the nonlinear nonstetionary quasioptic equation", Absract of in Iinternational conferanse Inverse problem of teoretical and mathematical physic , (pp. 41-42), Azerbaycan 
0 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Absract of in Iinternational conferanse Inverse problem of teoretical and mathematical physic

About the convergence of difference method of solution of one optimal control problem for the Schrodinger equation

G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. () "About the convergence of difference method of solution of one optimal control problem for the Schrodinger equation", Abstracts of scientific conference on the 70 th member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic prof. Y.D. Mamedov , Azerbaycan  G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. () "About the convergence of difference method of solution of one optimal control problem for the Schrodinger equation", Abstracts of scientific conference on the 70 th member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic prof. Y.D. Mamedov , Azerbaycan 
0 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Abstracts of scientific conference on the 70 th member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic prof. Y.D. Mamedov

Some apriori estimation of solution of boundary value problems for linear Schrodinger equation and it s applications

G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1999) "Some apriori estimation of solution of boundary value problems for linear Schrodinger equation and it s applications", Symposium on mathematical and computational applications , Azerbaycan, (Eylül 1999 G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1999) "Some apriori estimation of solution of boundary value problems for linear Schrodinger equation and it s applications", Symposium on mathematical and computational applications , Azerbaycan, (Eylül 1999
1999 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Symposium on mathematical and computational applications

The difference method for solution of control problem for linear Schrodinger equation

G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1999) "The difference method for solution of control problem for linear Schrodinger equation", The International scientific technical conference , Azerbaycan, (Mayıs 1999 G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1999) "The difference method for solution of control problem for linear Schrodinger equation", The International scientific technical conference , Azerbaycan, (Mayıs 1999
1999 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The International scientific technical conference

On the inverse problem for non stationary quasioptic equation

G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1998) "On the inverse problem for non stationary quasioptic equation", The International conference “Inverse problems of mathematical Physics , Rusya Federasyonu, (Eylül 1998 G.Ya., Y., N.S., I. (1998) "On the inverse problem for non stationary quasioptic equation", The International conference “Inverse problems of mathematical Physics , Rusya Federasyonu, (Eylül 1998
1998 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The International conference “Inverse problems of mathematical Physics

The finite differences method for the solution of variations formulation of an inverse problem for linear Schrödinger equation and it s convergence speed

G.Ya., Y., Y., B., M, O. (1997) "The finite differences method for the solution of variations formulation of an inverse problem for linear Schrödinger equation and it s convergence speed", The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications , Türkiye, (Ağustos 1997 G.Ya., Y., Y., B., M, O. (1997) "The finite differences method for the solution of variations formulation of an inverse problem for linear Schrödinger equation and it s convergence speed", The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications , Türkiye, (Ağustos 1997
1997 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications

Optimal control with inital state quantum objects

YAGUB, G. (1997) "Optimal control with inital state quantum objects", All Union conference “Of present interest problems of modeling and control for system with disribution system parameters , Ukrayna, (Ağustos 1997 YAGUB, G. (1997) "Optimal control with inital state quantum objects", All Union conference “Of present interest problems of modeling and control for system with disribution system parameters , Ukrayna, (Ağustos 1997
1997 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
All Union conference “Of present interest problems of modeling and control for system with disribution system parameters

The difference method of solving of control problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equation

G.Ya., Y., Y., B., A., A. (1997) "The difference method of solving of control problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equation", The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications , Türkiye, (Ağustos 1997 G.Ya., Y., Y., B., A., A. (1997) "The difference method of solving of control problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equation", The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications , Türkiye, (Ağustos 1997
1997 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The International conference “ Functional differential-difference equations and applications

The inverse problem for Schrödinger equation

YAGUB, G. (1991) "The inverse problem for Schrödinger equation", In the International Conference “Ill-Posed Problems” , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 1991 YAGUB, G. (1991) "The inverse problem for Schrödinger equation", In the International Conference “Ill-Posed Problems” , Rusya Federasyonu, (Ağustos 1991
1991 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
In the International Conference “Ill-Posed Problems”

Well posedness of formulation and difference method of the solving of optimal control problem for the non linear Schrödinger equation

YAGUB, G. () "Well posedness of formulation and difference method of the solving of optimal control problem for the non linear Schrödinger equation", All Union conference “Differential equation and optimal control , Türkmenistan  YAGUB, G. () "Well posedness of formulation and difference method of the solving of optimal control problem for the non linear Schrödinger equation", All Union conference “Differential equation and optimal control , Türkmenistan 
0 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
All Union conference “Differential equation and optimal control